November 04, 2010 - 11:34 p.m.






I'm trying NaNoWriMo again this year, but this year I have two friends doing it with me, to help me stay on track.

You know what I hate? Exposition.

Which is funny to me, because I spend a lot of time on this diary describing shit.

Well, I gotta do it somewhere, right?


I got to work before my boss, but that was usual.

Four light switches beat back the blackness of morning. I unlocked the office, and booted up the computer while I unlocked the tool cabinets. I logged on to my boss' email to check the reheasal notes from the day before.

A huge block, with lots of words in bold. A bad sign.

The more I read, the more I wish I wasn't reading it.

There was one note that made me yell at the computer screen, just as my boss' boss came up behind me.

"It's not so bad!" he said. I got the feeling he had read the notes when he had first arrived, and bee-lined for the shop. It was that stupid.

"But I can't--They want--I don't have enough time for--" I stammered, waving my arms around.

"It's okay," he said, holding out his hands, palms forward. "It's alright. All they can do is ask. They're out of touch with how long things take. You work at the same pace and they'll get things as they come."

"Alright," I said. I like the boss' boss. Perhaps only because he likes me, but still. He always has something nice to say. "Alright."

In the end it was okay. I got them most of what they wanted, and made pretty good progress.

I love my job. I love my job, but it beats me like an abusive husband.

"How's notes?" my boss asks as he walked by me. I'm sitting in the shop, working on my latest piece.

"Oh," I say drily. "You'll LOVE them."

"Oh," he says. "Shit."





