Can't eat, sleep, think, talk, stand still or walk...
April 26, 2002 - 11:55 a.m.






Theatre is a dangerous drug. Whoa be those who indulge themselves

In some cases, it can be the ultimate high, the climax of all life, the beautious moments where everything hangs in a couple seconds of delight, when times stops, breathing stops, heart stops, then begins again all in a rush.

On the other hand, it is that which batters you, destroys yours life, sends your body out of whack, turns your stomach upsidedown so you can't eat, sleep, talk, think, or function, merely pace, convincing yourself of the worst yet secretly hoping for the best.

It is that which keeps you up at night, worrying, so your period comes days, even a week early because you are stressed.

It is that which makes your weight fluctuate, eating because you're nervous until you're so nervous to can't eat anymore.

It takes your self-esteem, your self-worth, and either inflates it until it barely fits in a football statium, or crushes it in its hand, grinding it to a fine powder, a gritty substance, and leaving it on the sidewalk to be walked on.

You're either on the top, or the bottom.

A favoured, or an ill-favoured.

Make friends fast, or you'll never get anywhere.

Sleep around, it may be your only ticket to the top.

Theatre, it throws you high, drops you low, keeps your hoping but never gives you what you want. Makes you do all the work, but keeps you out of the limelight, while it puts some other minor little pretty face to gather all the praise.

It crushes, it deafeats, it laughs, scorns, and leaves to die.

So why aren't there re-hab centers for theatre addicts?
