A brief bio
January 06, 2003 - 3:58 p.m.







I'm Rosie.

Isn't that special?

Welcome to my 'Brief Bio About Rosie Page'.

In the beginning, I was born. Yep. I was. Imagine that.

There's my mom (commonly referred to as either 'Mother' or 'Female Parental Unit'), and my dad (commonly referred to as 'Daddy' or 'Male Parental Unit').

There's my two brothers, my little brother, David, who is in Brazil right now on exchange.

There's my older brother, Martin (commonly referred to as 'Martin'), who works in a bank and aces his phsycology exams, but actually has no plans to go to college.

There's my cat, Ditto. He's a cat. I call him Ditto.

There's Mike, my ex-boyfriend, whom I call 'Dickwad' when he steals my last cookie and sits on my chest and eats it. (It was really quite amusing, and he did let me eat most of it. That dickwad.)

There's my seventeen previous foster siblings (none whom live with me now): Romilie, Samantha, Kelly, Christie, Lena, Amber, Melissa, Zaralee, Jenny, Cindy, Charity, Erin, Sarah, Heather, Kendra, Zack, and Layne. The last two were boys. All the other ones were girls.

About me:

I have one kidney (the other one didn't work, so it was removed), two uteris' (even I can't explain that one). I live in a little arts town in the BC Rockies, where everthing is either up the hill or down the hill.

I had been dating Mike for about two years, which ended October 12th, 2003, the day after my birthday. Before that was Nathan, Nick, and Sam, all quite briefly.

My cat has been getting abnormally thin lately.

I frequently go over to the Twin's place (Judy and Janette) to sew or drink martinis or both.

I'm part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA.

I built my own grad dress, a full elizabethan number.

I'm currently going to college, studying technical theatre.

This is just a brief bio. If you want the full picture, please wade through 600+ entries. You may also want to go to my WEBPAGE.

Have fun; peace out.


