Cyberhippie? And HOME!
December 11, 2003 - 8:43 p.m.






Yay! I'm going home tomorrow!

I bought my bus ticket today. I'm coming back on the 2nd of January.

No one knows that's when I'm going home. No one at home, anyway. I plan on just showing up at home in the morning and kicking my dad out of my bed so I can sleep more.

Then I'm going to go to the flower shop and buy a single daisy for everyone I know in the pantomime cast, and I'm going to have each daisy individually wrapped.

Then I'm gonna go to the show, and not tell anyone I'm there until I appear at the dressing room doors after the show.


Yesterday, Jesslyn, my roommate, referred to me as a 'cyberhippie'.

"'Cause you're so easy going and laid back, but at the same time you're always wired into some sort of technology."

Heheh. I like the term. Cyberhippie.

Every culture needs their hippies.

And I guess I'm a cyberhippie.

Last night I went to the first game of the Phetisch gaming group. I'm really terrible at figuring out how to roll my characters, though I can funtion fine within a game, so I had to keep asking questions.

It was a good session, although I had a hell of a time killing the orcs.

I am only a halfling, after all.

I brought my sketchbook and drew a picture of one of the players' characters. I don't know the name of said character, but he's a gnome pirate/sorcerer who pulled a stupid and can read every language due to a magical experiment, but doesn't understand any language vocally so he has to wear a ring of comprehension to understand speech.

I got to ride a pig.

And sit in a tree, because I didn't trust the so-called 'nice' orcs.

Turns out they really were nice.

I still wanted to kill them. Oh well.

I still got a Shocking Dagger out of the whole deal, and another level.

Our samurai almost died, and so did our fighters, but that's because no one likes the fighter because he always cheats on his rolls and the GM was kind of picking on him by the end, especially after he picked a fight with the pirate for no reason.

Ah well.

It was fun.


