Irritated and pleased
August 05, 2005 - 10:26 a.m.






It's official.

Loren's crazy.

Why, you ask?

He spent FOUR HOURS last night, doing the puzzle I bought for him.

I mean, I'm glad he's getting enjoying out of it, but he was up 'til FOUR THIRTY in the morning, and only stopped when I woke up because I was sleeping terribly (I thought I'd only fallen asleep for twenty minutes) and I snapped at him (because he had the bedroom light on and it was giving me a headache).

Man, it was crazy.

Of course, then, I was awake, having woke up from very disjointed, disturbing dreams (which I seem to be having a lot lately), and didn't get back to sleep for another hour while he slept peacefully away.

I wanted to hit him, honestly, falling asleep so quickly and everything while I trashed and tore up the sheets on my side of the bed.

On a lighter note, my body seems to be taking to the birth control very well. I started taking my dud pills two days ago and just started my period today, although my body clock says I shouldn't start for another week yet.

However, it's coming on far, FAR lighter than it usually does.

It's weird and promising.


