Butterflies, Chris, and the military
March 24th, 2001 - 12:49 a.m.






Is this the second entry today? I don't know. Can't remember. Anyway, I went out early this morning, planning to go for tea somewhere and draw in my book, but I ended up hooking up with Laura and we wandered around and talked to people and finally ran into Chris and Brennain. Brennain was fascinated by the little metal butterfly clips that Laura had in her hair (the sparkly kind where the wings flutter) and declared he wanted to get one and pin it to the butt of his kilt so it would wiggle when he walked. He didn't actually think we'd get him one, but Laura and I ran all over town and finally found a gross yellow and red one in the dollar store for seventy-five cents. We repainted it purple and blue, not knowing they were Mystica's favorite colors.

Oh, it's Laura's parents' twenty-fifth anniversary.

Anyway, we went up to Brennain and Mystica's and presented them gracefully with the butterfly. Mystica had quite a time with it, finding all sorts of places to clip this little butterfly. We all laughed till our faces hurt. I loved it. It was great. Discussion shifted...

Oh, now I am to be Brennain's daughter by blood. His only daughter by blood. But now I'm going to have to find an Irish name. Brennain said he had some books on the Irish and would find them and lend them to me. I can't wait. And apparently, I hope, the SCA 'pajama party' is going to be the very first weekend in May, and the Shakespeare festival is going to be on the second weekend, so all is good. *joy!* But I'm going to double check anyway...

And we got into discussing relationships. And Chris. And the fact you have to whack Chris across the face with the evidence before he realizes a girl likes him. *sigh* I've been trying, dammit, for the past three years or so! It's aggrivating! I mean, I've tried to make myself *very* obvious, but it seems not to be working. Apparently, according to Brennain and Mystica (*bless them*) Chris can't decide whether he'd want to hook up with me or not, or whether he actually likes me in the romantic form. I keep getting mixed signals from him and it's so depressing. Sometimes he's so warm and conversation flows so easily, and sometimes he's so cold and will barely talk to me...Ah well, c'est la vie, I suppose. Musn't let such things effect me so...(Maybe my ability to say that makes me so emotionally stable?)...And Chris is heading off to do work in the bush during the summer, then off to the military. I'll miss him so. According to Them (easier than writing Brennain and Mystica) he's dubious about starting up a relationship with someone before he leaves because long distance relationships are a strain. Still, I'm not really the jealous type at all (as some people know) and couldn't care less if he cheated on me but...damn. I shouldn't talk like this. It's bad for my sense of balance.

I like to be balanced.

I'll stay that way.

Perfectly balanced...

