November 30, 2001 - 11:58 a.m.






OHMYGAWD!! What a day, what a /day/! And a last night, too, which will be what I think I'll start with. ;)

Last night, after school, was play practice. I phoned Mike earlier in the day, hoping to catch him at home and invite him to go to the movie with me. Which I did, and which he would.

Play practice was good. I only screwed up like two of my lines, which is an improvement.

The one line I can never remember the start to is: "I should have told you long ago but only today did I realize how necissary it was when you sent your emissary to me with money to prosecute Mr. Jones."

And we all ate massive amounts of popcorn. It was tasty.

Then home, food, and phone. Phoned Mike again.

Turns out he does, in fact, have a younger sister named Natasha. Melissa doesn't like the girl very much. Shrieked in horror and smacked her head repeatedly against the wall when I mentioned Mike's name.

Anyway...I got side-tracked...So I headed over to Mike's place a bit before the movie (last night of Harry Potter!) and know...watched tv a bit, discussed computer games and music and got thrown around a lot, much to my delight..

...then to the to sit in the balcony, 'cause Levi (I think that's his name) and Mike (whom I mistakingly called Matt when I first saw him...I think I pissed him off...whoops...) had two extra seats...

Movie was good, same as last time. I don't know, though...I enjoyed it more the first time, probably because I wasn't blissfully happy about being snuggled up against Mike's shoulder and paying more attention to that absoloutely /fabulous/ quidditch team captain...I'm sorry, something about men with accents just turns my crank in a serious way. ;) (Plus, those sweaters are just so.../cute/...okay, cute isn't the right word exactly, but what ever...)

...and today. Today! Today was no less weird. I swear, it was so damn peculier.

Sure, it started off all nice and neat and simple and great, but then lunch time rolled around.

So I'm sitting in the stairwell with Greg and Chelsea and Melissa and...I think that's all. So we're sitting there, chatting away, munching on lunch as usual, and in comes Candace, /laughing/ her little head off and holding a small, kinda 'personal sized' black forest cake. About the size of a bread plate. Those little plates you put your bun on at dinner. Them.

And she's just /laughing/ like her face would split. And we're like, okaaaay...And she's like:

"Dude, some lady (who's name I can't remember right now, so will remain 'some lady') just ran in to me and gave me this cake. Which is good, because I forgot my lunch."

And naturally, we try our bests to wheedle some from her. Not that it words. But she won't stop laughing.

And then the lady appears. She's one of the lunch monitors and goes to Greg and Candice's church and is Erica's aunt. So she's all good. I'd never really talked to her before. And she's like:

"Hey Greg, do you like cake?"


"Here. Have a cake."

And so a very bewildered (and now laughing uncontrollably) Greg has a cake.

Candice: "You know, this is nice, because my birthday's tomorrow."

Me: *sniff* "I didn't get anything for my birthday. Except those grapes from Martina and that quarter of a garhm cracker from you, Chelsea."

Lady: "Oh, really? Want a cheesecake? Here, Greg, here's my car keys. There's a stack more cakes in my truck. You know what it looks like? Go get the cheesecake with the strawberries for her."

And the bewildered Greg leaves and we all look at each other and nearly kill ourselves laughing.

But that's not the end.

Greg comes back a while later, with a cheesecake. I thought it was going to be one of those small, kinda personal sized ones. But no, this was a seriously large /cake/. A big cheesecake. Like, large dinner plate sized cake!

And we all nearly suffocate ourselves laughing.

And so I pop the top on the cake, and everyone pulls out spoons and forks from all over, and Taylor appears, and Martina and Sadie appear, and the cake is gone in ten minutes.

It was great.

I'm still snickering.

The lady says she's gonna have cakes every Friday.


Life is wonderful. ;)


