I am /so/ whipped.
December 23, 2001 - 5:45 p.m.






I am whipped.

There! I've admitted it. I am whipped. I am /so/ whipped.

And you know with who, too...Yes, that's right.


I never thought I would be, y'know, but I guess it's not really something you set out to do.

I spent the night over at Mike's place last night, much to the dismay of my parents.

Ah well, it was worth it and the only artical of clothing that was removed was my sweater, so they really shouldn't be freaking.

But they didn't really freak, my mother just said: When you go off to college, you can sleep over at guy's places, but now, while you're only seventeen, you can't. I don't want you getting in an awkward position you can't get out of.

I think my mother should meet Mike sometime. Maybe then she'd realize exactly how much he /wouldn't/ try to force anything (that I wasn't willing to have forced on me, anyway ;P) and how...yeah. I think that my mother should at least sniff poor Mike over, to make sure he's okay.

That would probably settle all her fears.

Heheh. I just realized all she knows about him is that he's a 21 year old male who used to be in the military.

If I were a mother, I'd probably be freaked too.

Heheheheh. This amuses me.

But I'm done now. Gonna go to Lord of the Rings tonight. I'm dubious and slightly uneasy; I don't know what to expect.

Oh, and I think I might start trying to write romance novels, just because there's such a huge market for them, and I can sort of write.

I'll try, I will.

Speaking of which, I have to update my storyline diary, stick the next installment in the story.

Yup. I do.

But I go. Ta, my dears, 'til we speaks again..


