October 09, 2003 - 9:52 a.m.






Guess what happened to me today?

Early, too., there were no rubber pants and monkeys involved...

Give up?

I got my period.

No, seriously, I did!

And it's...let's see...a week early.

(I only know that because my period tends to be approximately a week after the full moon.)

(Oh, it's the full moon right now, I might add.)

I was just about to say that it doesn't feel like a usual period, but the cramps have just set in. It's gonna be a killer this week. I can feel the grind start.

Tyne's gonna think I'm dying again, like she did last month (I was going white and sweating and rocking, because the cramps were so bad and I had only fifteen minutes left of class before I could go and swallow painkillers).

Speaking of Tyne, she and I went and browsed the porno store yesterday. It was good.

Justin invited me over to play Hunter: The Reckoning, but I went to As You Like It, instead.

The play was good. Being a theatre person I'm cursed with noticing details I shouldn't: missed lines, broken props, set pieces that didn't come in right.

It kind of makes me wish I hadn't joined theatre, because it's lost a bit of the magic.

The techies sat it a group and muttered about the set pieces and props we built. We came to one major conclusion:

The actors trust those sets a hell of a lot more than we do, and we *built* them. (You could pick out the techies in the crowd when they flinched when Orlando swung on one of the trees, and the whole thing shifted.)

But anyway, the whole point of this entry is to note the fact I got my period a week early, probably because I'm stressed out, and Mike's going to have a screaming fit (he said last week, "You know, wouldn't it be funny if you got your period right before you came?" I tried to assure him I wouldn't. Being a week early is a little much).

But he shouldn't have spoken. And I shouldn't have spoken. Because it happened.


