The paaaaantomime
December 14, 2003 - 1:10 a.m.






The pantomime was really good. The best it's been in years.

The lead guy, Jim Lad (played by some Brian guy from Trail) was fantastic. I really hope I get to act with him some time.

I managed to talk my way into a get together afterwards that he was at. Fortunately for me I knew and was friends with (or at least had worked with) all but one guy there besides this Brian guy, and he turned out to be the nephew of the hairdresser that's been cutting my hair since I was born.

Remind me: Don't drink beer. It hits way too hard.

Strangely enough, I can handle the same amount of alcahol in hard liquor, mixed drinks, but something about the beer really goes to my head. I can definately feel one beer, whereas I can't feel one shot of, say, rum.

Mom told me not to stay out late. But this was a one time chance, so I said fuckit and went with them anyway. Sadie's dad drove me home. It was nice.

I talked to Brian a bit. It was good to talk to him. He's really passionate about theatre and has a similar personality to mine: flamboyant and loud.

But now I'm going to bed.




PS, I've been up for 36 hours, 18 minutes.

PPS, Make that 19 minutes.
