I want to paaaaar-taaaaay!
February 08, 2004 - 2:56 a.m.






Ended up going out to par-tay after cue-to-cue tonight.

Jared, Dax, Drew, Drew's lady whose name I can't remember, his son Aiden (who spent a lot of the time asleep on my boob), Chantell, Conrad, Conrad's new girlfriend whose name I also can't remember (but they're really cute together; I think she'll be good for him), and Crimson.

Jared was completely and utterly flirting all evening, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

At one point, everybody was sprawled on Chantell's bed (it was her apartment and her birthday), including little Aiden, and I didn't have anywhere to sprawl, and so Jared goes:

"Here, you can balance here." And made space, conventiantly where I'd be leaning back against him.

So, naturally, that's where I sprawled.

After a while my customary bun that I wear got uncomfortable to lay on, so I released my hair.

After a few moments I felt Jared very, very gently combing his fingers through the wisps of hair framing my face on the right side, and very gently brushing his fingers across the expanse of hair that spilled over his stomach.

I love people playing with my hair. I didn't want to move.

Oh, and I got a firm bite from Drew on the other side of my neck than the bite from Paul. Drew *growls* when he bites. It's quite delicious. His lady didn't mind a whit, and neither did I.


Okay, I'm done. I'm going to bed.


