A good event
May 27, 2007 - 3:01 p.m.






What an event!

It was a little odd, because on one hand I had Paul (who had brought me, and was paying my way because I'm very broke right now), and on the other hand there was Cormac.

I say it's weird, because I was sleeping in Paul's tent. In Paul's bed to be specific. (This is how things have been progressing. I know I haven't been updating with many specifics. I'm a jerk.)

But remember when I said Paul does not like public displays of affection? I meant it. He really doesn't like public displays of affection. He views most PDA as a guy marking his property, as it were.

Anyway. So what ever this is that's going on between Paul and I, we've been kind of keeping it on the down-low. We've especially been trying to avoid awkward questions, or at least I have.

So yeah. Cormac shows up. I'm pretty sure he likes me. I've just been trying to treat him as a friend.

Maybe I've been too friendly, because late night on the Saturday, he gave me a cloven fruit (right in front of Paul, too).

It's super rude to refuse them, so I let Cormac kiss me behind the ear.

But then I had the cloven fruit.

And I realized, I didn't really want to kiss anyone but Paul at the event. I could have given it to Paul, but I did not want to see him kiss anyone else.


There was another girl (I shall call her Ruby). Now, Ruby was hitting on Paul hardcore at the fire pit. Very, very, very blatantly. She was also hitting on me (which was fine, except I wasn't really attracted to her at all).

But...remember how I said I was trying to avoid awkward questions?

Yes. Well, she apparently is the queen of awkward questions.

Loudly: "So, are you his girlfriend?" Pointing at Paul.

I...didn't know what to say.

I glanced at Paul in a panic, but I did not get one way or the other from him, so I simply said: "Er. No. I don't know."

I escaped then, as she was asking Paul more awkward questions.

Later, I returned to the fire, and the only open seat was the one next to her.

"So, where are you camped?" she asked, point-blank. I know she was trying to suss out whether I was staying in Paul's tent or not.

"Oh," I said, stuttering a bit. "With these guys." I gestured to the encampment (involving Donut and Paul). She looked at me expectantly.

"She's sharing Paul's erection," James offered. (We'd been teasing Paul about his tent, because it's enormously tall. He's gotta be overcompensating.) It was nonspecific enough that I let it be. Plus, James knows something is going on between Paul and I, but he also knows it's weird and uncertain right now.

So night continues. Her making blatant passes at Paul, and Paul kind of shrugging them off. She puts her head on my shoulder a couple times, which I ignore, and makes some flirty comments, which I brush off (she's really not my type).

I'm getting tired. I decide to make a trip to the biffy, then to bed.

On my way back, I run into Paul heading to the biffy. He stops, kisses me, we discuss Ruby a bit, and he makes noises about going to bed. I agree with said noises.

Back at the fire (the doorway of Paul's giant erection was quite close to the fire), I slip into Paul's tent, pulling the flap closed behind me (thank goodness for no zippers!) but I don't tie it, knowing Paul was heading to bed soon, too.

Paul does follow soon, gets into bed, and we squeeze together (for warmth, honestly; it was fucking cold).



"What the--"

"Is he in there?--"

Three women (unnamed, but including Ruby) come pushing into Paul's tent, to grope-and-run.

He seemed about as confused as I (thank goodness; I'd be disheartened to find out this was a regular occurance).

The girls stumble towards the bed, and throw themselves on top of us, giggling madly.

Then...realize that Paul is not alone.

Ruby's hand comes snaking upwards, probably with the intent of groping Paul's chest, but instead hits mine. I clamp my arms over my tits.

One of the women feels my face, and realizes who I am.

Flashlight goes on.


Yeeeeah. It was an interesting night. All three girls apologized in the morning. I wasn't offended, I was just a little weirded out.

I guess there goes the 'keeping things on the down-low'.

Oh well.

All in all, though, a good event. On the downside, I think I'm getting sick.



