Bah. Boys.
August 12, 2007 - 11:06 a.m.






Last night, Paul's at work.

I'm looking over my schedule and realize I won't get to stay over again until next Sunday. If I pushed it, I could sleep over on Thursday, but even so. Plus, tomorrow he was planning a Guitar Hero get together. I'm not crazy about the game, but I like hanging around with people (and him). It would just have made sense for him to pick me up on his way home from work and me to stay over.

So I text him.

"Hey, wanna pick me up after work? If you want to, that is. With my work schedule I won't be able to stay over again until next weekend."

I hear nothing back. But I said I'd be up until he got home, so I napped, but turned the alarm on on my phone.

12:40am my phone rings, jerking me out of sleep (barely).

It's Paul. He can't pick me up because he just got my message and he's already home.

I don't remember much of the conversation because I was mostly asleep.

I do remember being very dissapointed and crying a little (sounds dumb, huh?).

This morning he calls.

He's picked up another shift at work, for tonight starting at 4:30pm.


"What about...I thought you were doing the Guitar Hero thing!" I say, again dissapointed. I was hoping at least to hang out for the day before I throw myself into six more days of work. And since he lives so far in the Southwest, it's not like we can just hang out for a few hours without cutting into my sleep-time.

And really, I like to be prime for work. I love my work. I want to keep working it. And that means being responsible and professional, even when there's affairs of the heart going on.

But still, he wants to go see a movie with me tomorrow night. We haven't done a date-date in a while.

Which *kind of* balances out the scale, but I'm sorry to say the disappointment side is still heavier.

I just hope we see something that we both want to see. I know he's gonna push for Transformers, but I don't particularly want to see it.




