Money and being Modestly Reckless
April 18, 2008 - 8:15 p.m.







Money keeps falling into my lap!

From all over the place!

I'm not kidding!

It's amazing!

I'm totally not spending any of it (except the cash I dropped for my plane ticket to Vancouver), so's to save for the move to Van.

Though I am very tempted to go wildly shopping.

I might just do that still. Depending on what time the mall closes.

And by wildly shopping, I mean I'll go and poke around for a while, end up buying a small bottle of gin, some fish, and some fabric from the discount bin.

But it makes me feel wild and reckless.

...and I'll be using my paycheque money, not my magic money...because that would just be stupid...

Maybe...maybe I'll be super reckless and buy some terrible old tv show from the discount bin in Wal-Mart. I'm running out of things to watch while I paint.

I really should stay home and paint. But I did tell the head scribe lady I wouldn't have the charter in the mail 'til Monday. And I have all sunday off to drink and paint.

I fear, slightly, I'm turning into an alcoholic, because I spend a lot of time drinking alone.

Not drunk-drinking. But I'll have a beer or two after work while playing on the computer. Not every day, but enough to make me worry. When I really want to kick loose, I'll sit in the bath with a bottle of gin and a bottle of tonic, and watch movies until the water gets cold.

But oo!

I think I am going to go wildly shopping. The mall is open for another half hour, so I'm gonna be reckless.

Modestly reckless.


