What to Do
March 22, 2010 - 10:17 a.m.






In my house, there is a wall hanging with little pockets, which the various mail gets sorted into.

So I picked up the mail this morning. Just a couple pieces of junk mail and something for my male roommate.

So I go to the mail slots, and since I can't remember whose is whose, I pull out a piece of mail to check the name on it.

And what do I find?

A notice from the city bylaw officers saying we're breaking the garbage bylaw by having too much junk on our property.

I should note here that I am quite aware our yard is a disgusting mess. Absolutely none of it is mine. The only thing of mine in the yard is the bike chained the the fence.

Now, in essence, I was snooping through my roommate's mail, whether they left it in plain sight or not.

The bylaw officers have given us fourteen days from the 18th to get rid of the junk, or be fined. This could also result in us losing face with the rental company and/or getting kicked out.

I'm really worried about this.

There are two solutions (read 'solutions') here.

I could A) Let things take their course. If fined, it is none of my junk, and I will say as much and refuse to pay any portion of the fine. If booted out, well, I've been kind of looking to move for a while now.

Or I could B) Wait and see if they do anything, and if it gets close to the date, fess up that I snooped through the mail and insist.

I don't really want to admit I snooped through the mail, but I both want the yard cleaned up, and don't really want to have to move again.

What to do, what to do...



PS, The more I think about it, the more angry I am. I am the type of person who is okay with making a mess in your personal areas, but anywhere shared (i.e. kitchen, livingroom) or viewed by the public (the yard) should be kept reasonably tidy and free from rotting vegetation. Argh!
