July 17, 2010 - 12:18 a.m.






A bottle of vodka still lodged in my head--

Spent a lovely evening with Tyne and her Steve, playing Wii and watching Fifth Element. I haven't watched that movie all the way through in a long time, and I certainly haven't discussed it in such depths in a long time, either.

I've been working very little. I got called the other day, for a last minute day of work at a theatre downtown.

They were desperate. One of their crew didn't show, so I picked it up.

Tyne called later.

"I have a spare ticket to Bon Jovi," she told me. "Wanna come?"

"How much?" I asked tentatively.
"Free," she said, so of course I said yes.

What a fabulous concert. They know how to play a crowd something serious.

Even now I'm listening to a video of Jon Bon Jovi making sweet love to a microphone. I wish they'd played this song, 'Bed of Roses'. It's tacky and I love it.

But even though I know it's tacky, it squeezes my heart with loves gone by, with loves may never be.

Am I too sensible to have a real good love anymore?

A senseless, all-consuming passion for another person?

I feel the potential in me still, thick and dormant, waiting for that spark to light it into a bonfire.

"Let's stick a quarter in the jukebox," said Jon Bon Jovi, turning to his bassist.

"Stick a quarter in the jukebox," he said. "What's it gonna be?"

The bassist, playing the same underlying riff he'd been playing for the last two minutes, stepped off his platform and approached Jon Bon Jovi.

"What's it gonna be?"

The bassist's hand stilled on his instrument, then started again with that oh so familiar refrain.

I don't like standing in concerts, because I think it's rude to the people behind me, but I did for their rendition of Pretty Woman.


Now, now it's that sweet, and still tacky song, 'Thank You For Loving Me'.

It was an anthem of my high school years, and makes my throat tighten just to think of.

What am I doing? I've been writing for twelve minutes and have written shlock.

I bought my ticket from Glasgow to London today.


I'm excited and terrified.

I think I must sleep. My cider is done.

Go see Bon Jovi. They do a good concert.

Also Coldplay. They also do a good concert. I only know that one from standing backstage, though.

Have you ever noticed, Jon Bon Jovi has the most perfect teeth in the world?

I don't even think they're caps. He seems to always have had them.


I'm scared of my trip.

It'll go okay, though. It always goes okay.



