2000-07-23 - 12:55 pm






Well, I'm sorry I havn't written in a little, but StreetFest has been taking up near all my time. Near. Friday night I stayed out /late/, and finally got to sleep at about 4:30 am. Oh, and I woke up 6 am. I couldn't get back to sleep. So I went out and ate ice cream. Droool. Oh, oh, aaaaaand I performed my first solo for the Signing Choir (Celine Dion's Because You Loved Me). Did damn good if I do say so myself. It was amusing because the next night at StreetFest after dark one of the performers did a mockery of us (and of course he knew absoloutly /no/ signing, so it was fairly amusing). I think it was more of me. But you never know. ;)

And I've come to the comclusion that Americans aren't all that bad (mrow). Met a couple guys after out performance Friday night. From...oh. What's that state...with all the potatoes? Idaho! That's it. Samual and Jesse (Sam and Jess) who are 16 and...17, I think. They were coming up to check out the festival because they have an act themselves that they do, but they were too late to register this year. Me and my friend Laura hung out with them quite a lot, I must admit. By the end of the night she was doing /quite/ well with Jesse, I must admit, and Sam took a fancy to me, however odd that may seem. I don't know why, but it's apparent he really likes me. (Aaaand I like him back. Lots.)I think my family have caught on to the fact that me and this guy are...together, even if it may be temporary. Which I hope it won't be.

However, I should be off since I only got one and a half hours sleep since yesterday...

(PS, kissing is a /good/ thing..../Damn/. I think my ear is still wet...)
