Sad Farewells
2000-07-25 - 9:43 pm






*sigh* Sam and Jesse went back to Idaho, the Land of Potatoes...And y'know the freaky thing? Sam's birthday is the same as my dad's. (And my birthday is the same as my grandfathers...and my little brother's is same as my grandmothers...and...and...Creepy, isn't it?)

Anyhoo, me and Laura managed to sneak the two boys into the volunteer party using extra volunteer tags. I'm surprised no one noticed/questioned them. After all, they're two enormous guys...and they were wearing them mexican hats.

Anyhoo, I had loads and loads of fun. Met up with another of my girliefriends there, Christina, and all three of us (me, Laura and her) went wheeling around the field, squeeling and falling all over the place. Then we layed on the grass, each head on someone else's belly, and laughed till we all nearly cried. I think the performers that were there thought we were completely nuts. Well, we are...I mean, come /on/. We were line dancing to Jazz music, and ended up making the piano played laugh so hard he had to stop playing...I feel very proud of myself for doing so. *beamkles*

The food was good too. /Really/ good.

After the party it was kind of sad, though, 'cause me and Laura had to say our farewells to the two guys. *sniff* It wasn't a happy experience...I did end up giving Sam my very cherished hemitite ring, though, which he appreciated very much. *sigh*...Anyhoo...



