December 23rd, 2000 - 9:31pm






Hmm. All dressed up and no where to go. But I did get dressed up for a reason. Mother has friends over. A dinner thing. Must look nice for the guests...

Let's see...I'm wearin' my black boot pants (like flares, but not so big), and over top of that a short green velvet dress. I know, I know. It sounds weird wearing them together, but really. I look good in the combination...

Oh yes. What else. Well, socks and the regular undergarments, of course. No jewelr--oh. I lied. I'm wearing little sparkly 'crystal like' earrings. Nice, but a bitch to put on. Hmmm...and Red lipstick. The somewhere between cherry red and wine red. Don't worry. With my alabaster complextion and dark hair, it looks stunning. Oh, and my hair is done up sort of Elizebethan style. Don't know what that is? I don't know either. Hard to explain...Well, I'll give it a shot: Locks of hair are taken from the hair line, starting at the front on one side, and pinned up and back down with those u-turn hairpins (not bobby-pins). It continues all the way around the head except for a width and a half of the hand at the back, where the hair is loose down the back...That make any sense? It better, 'cause I'm not explaining it again.

Damn. Y'know what? My friend Dustin invited me over to his house late last night (by email), but my mother had locked the computer room a mere hour before he sent it. Bloody hell. And I did so want to go over. I got the email this morning; if only I had gotten it last night...Oh well. C'est la vie. Won't do to dwell on such things. :o)

Hum. Let's see. Oh, I watched Shakespeare in Love this afternoon. I rather liked the movie, dispite many bad reviews I've heard from friends. Still, I love that era. The costumes, the talk, the...the /everything/.

All you men out there, if you want to win me over, go for the Shakespearean approach. No, no. Not IRL, unless you're /really/ that type of person. I'm talking on stage. Playing opposite attractive men who're reciting Shakespeare takes my breath away, especially if there's a love interest between the two characters (which, considering Shakespeare, there usually is).

And considering me, I'll probably contradict myself tomorrow. But y'never know. ;)

Gawds I love Shakespearean plays...Merely thinking about it sets me off again. Next thing you know I'm going to start talking like one of his characters. ;)

Anyway, I'll stop this message now. Not much else to say.

Farewell, and have a Happy Dinner and a Merry Desert!

