Someone has unplugged me!!
March 11, 2002 - 5:25 p.m.






I've been really dizzy, disconnected all day.

Started this morning.

Still bad.

Everything swims before my eyes, and I feel faint, slightly queasy, and my walk is slightly crooked because I keep losing my balance, my knees keep shaking.

It's a strange sensation, to be sure.

Even the computer screen is swimming, and there's something that feels disconnected in the back of my skull.

Nothing physical. No, this feels more like a shifting of everything, a shifting of reality as I know it, something that affects my vision and my balance, that throws me off.

It isn't triggered by anything. I can be sitting perfectly still, or running top speed and it still waves out behind me, floating free.

Though running is easier than sitting still because the momentum tends to carry me straight and tall. Sitting, I tend to sway a little.

My head drops, and I can't help it. It just sinks, like I'm about to fall asleep, then jerks back up.

Not frequently, and I'm sure I could help it if I /really/ tried, but it takes more effort to stop it than it does to just let my body do it.

Ow. Sharp pains in my stomach.

I wonder what's wrong? I wonder who pulled the plug in the base of my skull...

I wonder, I wonder...

I could barely stand straight in the second half of the second class today, and frequently had to use counters, sinks and walls to keep me upright.

Don't get me wrong, I feel rather alright, except for a sharp ache in my belly, I'm just really, really dizzy. My energy seems to be fine, just the dizziness, the disconnected feeling.

It's really strange.


