A few notes
May 23, 2002 - 11:56 a.m.






Curse them! Curse them all! Chelsea, Sadie, and Martina! Beetleheaded flap-eared knaves! I swear.

Damn people. Got me addicted to 'Rent'. It's a beautiful musical. I think I'm going to have to memorize it all. Yep. And all the harmonies so I can sing it with them.

On a lighter note Chad just asked me to the prom (he's my grand march partner) and I agreed, 'cause he'd be nice to go to prom with.

But--*gasp!*--you have a boyfriend! I hear you, I hear you. It's not like it's romantic or anything. More, convenient and nice. He's easy to talk to, but I'm not physically attracted to him at all. So we make a good pair. Tolerating of each other, have things to talk about, but unnattracted.

That's why it's okay.

On a darker note I signed up for another play. I can hear my mother saying:

"You are not doing any more theatre for the rest of the year!"

Man, you know you're hooked when you go behind your mother's back to be in a play.

But I'll manage. I figure if I can get my dress done this weekend she won't mind if I take a day or two or four for rehursels. I'm not going to direct one of the sections unless necessary because that would take even longer.

That position at the Capital was filled a day before I phoned. Bummer. But it happens. My mother was more pissed off about it than I was.

"Meh. It happens. I'll get a job somewhere else."

"What?! They filled it yesterday?! That sucks! That's really bad! That's...that's...horrible!"

"Uh. Mom. It isn't that bad..."

"It sucks! That's bad! She told me that...maybe she didn't realize...but I told her...That bites!"


...Hey. Parents will be parents. Maybe one day I'll be a parent too, but I doubt it somehow.

Oh well.

Life happens. I won't feel bad about what I can't control. There's no point.


