The Age of Exploration
June 17, 2002 - 10:11 a.m.






The Age of Exploration.

That's the theme for the next St. Nick's Feast.

Which is in December, but it's never to early to start planning, right?

I'm co-featocrat this year.

I had a choice between apatizers or deserts.

I chose deserts.

I have to come up with three (approximately) deserts to serve.

One big one and two small ones or three medium sized ones.

I researched all last night.

Since the Age of Exploration (I gathered, anyway) was from about 1450 (Comlumbus' first trip) to 1600 (when the massive hype died down), I looked for things from that.

I found a simple, period recipe for elderflower pudding.

Unfortunately elderflowers aren't out in December.

However, it's possible to preserve elderflowers.

I wonder when they bloom?

Maybe I might have to preserve a dozen jars of elderflower syrup to make elderflower pudding.

I'll have to test out the recipe, because it needs a little adjusting.

I found some recipes for plum tarts that can be made with dried or canned plums.

That looks good.

I found preserved oranges in honey, and grape pudding, which also looks really good (and could be made with the grapes we grow).

It looks interesting.

I'll keep looking.

Wish me luck.



PS, if you happen to come across any desert recipes from 1450-1600, write 'em in my guestbook.
