A horrible day for Mike, but an okay one for me.
August 13, 2002 - 4:25 p.m.






Poor Mike.

He's having bad week. I think I'll retreat and give him some alone time.

He's having a very bad day at work, too. He went in hours upon hours early and has to close. He left his shift last night at 5am.

Poor dear.

At least he got a raise.

I found him some wintermint tea, though. He'll like that, I think, but I'm not sure whether to give it to him now (with cookies, 'cause everybody needs cookies), or wait 'til he's cooled off a little bit.

I think I lost a girlfriend point last night showing up unexpectedly. It wasn't my fault, not really, just bad timing and a bad short series of events that got him really frustrated. And that on top of losing his car to spontanious combustion.

I think he needs to not see me. If I waited 'til he got home, I don't know how he'd take it: he might just brush my off, or he might take well to me being there.

He's also really tired. He can do with little sleep, but not so many days in a row. I think I'll just leave a little package outside his door, late, after the old men on his floor have gone to bed.


I don't know.

Is that to invasive? I hope not. I don't want to make him even more irritated, but...oh, hell, I'll just do it and stop worrying about it.

I'm off to make cookies. Adieu, mes amies.


