A feakin' bird in the freakin' office.
March 09, 2003 - 9:03 p.m.






So Rosie walks to the basement with her cup of juice to play computer, and opens the office door and stops dead in her tracks.

There, sitting on the filing cabinet, staring back at her, is a bird.

A freakin' bird!

There was a freaking bird sitting on her filing cabinet staring at her.

Promptly the bird started flying around the rafters and getting tangled in Rosie's daddy's drawing paper.

Now, you have to understand that the office is pretty much underground. No windows. Only one door that's springloaded so it's always shut.

Rosie's cat, Ditto, really really reallyreallyreallyreally wanted the bird.

But Rosie didn't want to give the bird to Ditto.

So she wedged the door open and opened the two basement doors and turned off all the lights to try and get the bird to fly out.

But it just climbed into the rafters and wouldn't go.

But Rosie had thought it had left, so she went with her juice and started playing computer. And her daddy came down and started playing on the computer next to her.

And then they heard a noise.

It was the bird climbing down from the rafters.

So Rosie hurried to wedge all the doors open again and Rosie's dad just sat and played computer with this damn bird flying around his bald head.

So Rosie wedges the under-the-porch-door open and turns around to see the bird sitting on the deep freeze.

And the bird looks at her.

And she looks at the bird.

And the bird looks at her.

And she looks at the bird.

And then, like a doorman, she steps to one side, holding the door open and t he bird pauses, then flies out into the clear blue beyond.

Rosie still doesn't know how the freakin' bird got in her freakin' office.



