New stuff! For once. And a new friend! Yay!
May 19, 2003 - 4:39 p.m.






May Crown was lovely.

Although, between the five minutes of sun every four hours (in which time I managed to burn myself right across my nose and cheeks), it rained, sleeted, hailed, snowed and was all around friggin cold.

But it was a nice event anyway.

I bought Mike some rattan (sword making stuff), which I'm not sure he really appreciates. But it's SCA standard, I believe. He can make armour, but he can't make rattan.

And I bought us both a belt, black, and long. I'm going to fit his, and then tool the bottom with a little green frog.

I bought him two knives, one with a black antler handle and a nice leather sheath, and the other wooden and brass handled with a really crappy sheath. But he can use the one from his old knife that I gave him, which he lost. *sniffsniff*

What ever. It happens.

And I bought myself a little silver leaf knife that folds out, and a tankard strap for my belt (which I really like, and talked down from $10 American, to $5 American. Nice merchant. Heheheheh).

Let's see...

Oh, I got myself a little African wedge wood weaving tool so I can make cording for my bodices.

But the best score I got was freshwater pearls. Real ones. I got about six or seven strings of them. I bought a string of dark grey ones, and a string of black round(ish) ones, and a string of white of the same, and three strings of plain white freshwater pearls. I got the non-round ones for about $1 a string, and the round ones for about $2 a string.


On the last day I met this lord named Tian. (Yay! I actually remembered a name!) I flirted a little, I must admit, and then I found out he was twice my age.

He *really* didn't look it. When I guessed his age, I guessed 26, and I thought I was probably guessing too high. He just laughed and said he was 26 ten years ago.

Needless to say, although very honourable, fully dressed bedwarming was suggested, we kept any contact merely between our hands.

I do admit I did hold hands with him.

Not walking around or anything, but when we were at a bardic circle or something.

And even then, it was me with my hands pressed together and his hands covering mine, because my hands get exremely cold if I have no heat to leach off anyone.

It was still nice. He had very soft, warm hands.

Perhaps I'll see him at another event. Perhaps I won't. Who knows.

Life happens.

It was a good event.




PS, I have been dubbed the Boy Magnet, because when we arrived I managed to attract three young males (Sam, Jesse, and a friend of theirs) to our camp to help us set up, and then Tian came back this morning to help us take down...It's not intentional, I swear!
