My Period. Lovely.
September 15, 2003 - 3:35 p.m.






So I was sitting in the middle of Sound Tech class when my period started.

With a vengance, I might add.

I could feel it start. There's always that signiture cramp right at the beginning.

Women know what I'm talking about.

There's always that cramp that's like nothing else you know, that's not the right place or the right pressure to be anything else but the Menstracity.

And then it started bleeding.

I could feel it starting to bleed, so I kept my legs tightly shut against the flow.



Like that has ever worked.

It's like throwing a sandbag into a river to try to stop the flow.

Fortunately it was only half an hour until break, and so I wasted a buck on a stupid little tampon (I. hate. tampons) that would staunch the flow until I could aquire a pad from my flat.

And the pain.

The pain started up before break started.

It started in the gut, a churning, grinding sort of feeling.

Bad. I knew it was going to be a rough one.

Then the pain travelled.

Through my hips.

Along my thighs.

And settled as an almost unbearable ache in my knees.

I bet Sui-Fan wondered if I was squirming and grimacing because of his lesson.

I managed to get home after class, though, close to tears, and swipe one of Jacklyn's Super Extra Strength Motrin.

Because I couldn't find mine.

I really hope she doesn't mind. I won't tell her, though, because I already messed up two of her felt pens (I'm buying her a new pack, don't worry. I have more honour than that).

So now I'm floating an inch off the ground, and though I can still fainting feel the ache, it's way, way bearable.

And I'm gone.

(Classes went well today, by the way, and I think I proved to my English teacher I can doodle and pay attention in class at the same time, because she forbade me, along with several other people in the class, to stop answering questions because no one else was speaking up.)

(It was an interesting class.)


