A sleepless, slightly intoxicated night
October 03, 2003 - 10:36 a.m.






Yeah. Okay. So I get home last night after classes and a lighting call at about 9:30pm, and there's four messages on my answering machine.

Yay! Someone loves me! thinks I.

First one is from Justin. The other three are hangups.

"Hey, Rosie, it's Justin. Just wondering if you wanted to go out and catch dinner or go for a drink or something. So, yeah, phone me back before 9-ish."

And it's 9:30. I'm like:

"Fuck. Ah well."

And then the phone rings, as if on cue.


"Hey, Rosie? It's Justin."

"Oh, hey."

"How's it going?"

"Just got in from classes."

"Cool...Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to have a quick drink with me?"

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good."

Site note: Now, children, I should have said: "No, thanks. I have classes." And maybe schedual it for a different day. But I'm just not that smart.

"Okay. I'll meet you in my backyard."

"See you in a few."

"'Kay. Bye."

So I went over there. Met him in the back yard. He greeted me with a squeeze around the waist.

I didn't mind. It's tame enough.

We sat in his room and drank Scicilian Kisses and cheap wine.

As usual.

It was good.

He showed me his box of keepsakes, for which I was touched. He's a very private person.

Naturally I didn't see all of them. Some things he said were too personal. But most of everything he showed me.

I was wearing my little red crushed velvet dress over black pants, the one with the spegetti straps.

I feel so damned naked in it, but it was what I wore to class (I wore it to the lighting call because it's cool and not black).

Justin liked it. He was very good about keeping his hands to himself. He did explain why he was so physically attracted to me.

I think he said it was a combination of the pale, pale skin (he's the only other person I've met with skin as pale as mine), the dark, dark hair (both aspects which I try to enhance because *I* really like them too), and just the right amount of make-up (yay for red lipstick!). Not too much.

He also said he liked the fact I dressed pseudo-goth, without the goth mentality of "I wear spikes, therefor I am too good to talk to you".

He tried to explain it, and finally just laughed and shook his head.

"You dress...just...you dress the way you want to; you're just Rosie."

I like that.

I try for that.

Just be Rosie.

Just like when I took it as a compliment when someone told me I was a-sexual.

A balance.

It's all about the balance.

Anyway, so we drank liquor and I ended up sleeping there. He behaved himself perfectly and we both slept.

He got up at 6am and gave me a little kiss on the forehead and reset the alarm for me, then left.

I wonder if he's feeling the same slight hangover I am.

Ah well.

I may see him at Bean Brokers later today, 'cause I'm gonna walk down there and have a pot of tea.

Lighting call tomorrow at 9am.


But it's a favour. So.

I go. Tyne (a classmate/friend of mine) and I are going to Value Village.


