To Bean Brokers or not to Bean Brokers...
October 03, 2003 - 4:41 p.m.






I'm absoloutely exhausted. But I kind of want to go down to Bean Brokers and read my book for a while.

The only thing is, I'm afraid I'll fall asleep on the couch there.

Not that anyone would really mind, but I would have to change out of my little black dress I'm wearing.

That's right! I'm wearing the little black dress I never wear, because I never wear it!

I felt like being contradictory today.

Maybe I will go down, but I'll take the bus.

But I don't know if I have the money for the bus.

Oh, but I have the piggy bank of change.

I'll take the bus down and read a little bit, and drink some black tea, then come home and go to bed.

No staying out for me, even if Justin asks me to stay up.

Still a little hungover.

Just a little.

Ate McDonalds.

Felt a little better.

(Wow. Now there's a contradiction. Eating McDonalds to feel better.)

Bought purple and black striped socks.

Made me feel better.

Nothing like striped socks to make one's day.

And an opera cd. That makes me happy too.

So I'm going to go and get a book and read at BB.

Seeya people.


