A lovely big surprise for Mum, and a bit of a surprise from Mike.
December 13, 2003 - 6:30 p.m.







So I didn't tell my mom I was coming home today, right?

I figured I'd make it a surprise.


So I get on the bus last night, bus all the way here, catch a ride up to my place with Gloria the masseuse and her daughter (yay for Gloria! I forgot my gift certificate in Red Deer, but she asked me when I was going to use it, and I mentioned I forgot it, and she said it didn't matter because she remembered! Yay!...I'm so sore...).

And so I come in. Put down my stuff. Take off my boots. Hang up my coat. Find Ditto.

Hadn't seen anyone.

Wandered upstairs to a very surprised looking mom, saying *exactly* what I told Gloria she'd say:

"Oh! Rosemary! You're here!...Oh!"

I told her that my dad would probably say:

"....aren't you supposed to be at college or something?"

But my dad left for Hawaii yesterday and forgot to mention this fact to me. :/

Yeah, we're a comunicative family.

And yeah, my little brother is no better. He's still an annoying little shit.

Though I was surprised to see Mike come over as soon as he heard I was home. We just sat and watched tv, and then walked around town a little bit.

I saw Judy. She has a job at the new soap place.

I saw Christina, and was almost squeezed to death by her.

I saw Nathan, who then proceeded to talk D&D with Mike while I napped on the restaurant table.

I had to watch myself, though. I was falling into old familiar habits. I caught myself leaning in subconciously to kiss him twice. I kind of wish I had.

I caught myself slipping my arm through his, and putting my hand on his knee under the table at the restaurant.

I really gotta quit doing that if we're going to keep up with this 'being broke up' thing.

He had to catch himself from kissing me, too.

It was strange, though.

I have to change all of my mannerisms around him now.

I wonder how Vurn (his roommate/best friend who fucked with my head a bit after I broke up with Mike) will react to me?

He's been really nice to me lately. Just the same as when Mike and I were dating.

Who knows.

I go to play now.


