Cats and dogs
May 14, 2005 - 4:03 p.m.






I convinced Loren to take me up to the SPCA today, to pet all the adoption cats (they need lovin' too).

I wish I was allowed to have another cat (I know I'm going to be one of those crazy old ladies with tons of cats).

There was this cat there...No, it was more or less a bear in cat form. It was HUGE. He, actually, not it. I think it was a he.

White, long haired, must have weighed at least forty pounds in all muscle. Huge hind quarters and forelegs, big triangular head, saucer-like paws.

And the most stunning part: one yellow eye and one blue eye.

And he was so *nice*. I picked him up and he didn't complain and put him on my lap and he just purred and curled up and pushed gently against my hand.

But oh, I'm sure he could be MEAN. There were knicks out of his ears no doubt from fights (someone had found him in the woods), and there was dried blood on his lip.

But he was so affectionate. He tended to ignore the other cats and just went where he would (most of the other cats were either small and very young, or very old and spent most of the time sleeping in the sun).

I wished I could take him home. I hope he gets a good home.

Speaking of huge pets, there's this dog in this store downtown named Beauregard. He's the fucking biggest dog I've ever seen in my entire life. He's *easily* 200 pounds, all lean muscle, and his back is at my hip. He's a...oh, bother.

I don't remember what breed he was.

Floppy ears, floppy jowels, kind of sleepy in appearance, but the breed is known for being big, long-legged short-haired dogs with long thin tails.

I don't remember. Nice dog though. Very affectionate, but I wouldn't want to piss him off.


