Just stuff
June 1st, 2001 - 12:20 p.m.






The first of a new month! I love the first days! Or maybe it's just I'm enjoying life right now.

Let's see..Yesterday, on impulse (which was a bad idea because I think I may have offended Judy and Brennain by accident) I went with Eli and jumped in the lake. "But you don't have a bathing suit!" I can hear you cry...So? Has that ever stopped me before? Of course, I was a little self concious, but hey. That's life. The general person doesn't hang around naked on beaches and sing dirty songs at the top of their lungs.

I also missed the bus. Which kind of sucked because Nathan had to come an pick me up again. I feel bad about being late and having to have him pick me up. I think I'll be on time next time we make a date.

Oh, last night I went over to Nathan's again and met his father. I like his dad. He's rediculous. Just the way I like 'em. Nathan told me I had all the redeaming qualities he wanted in a woman. I feel special. I just told him I like him. 'Cause I do. He's a great person.

We watched some anime or another. One of the futuristic ones. I didn't understand half of it. There was some really cool parts, though, even if I didn't understand a bloody thing that was going on. Ah well. C'est la vie.

Oh! Brian is doing well! That makes me happy. I am happy now. Actually, he's on the copmuter next to me, and judging by his grin, I'm guessing he just sent me a message. I shall check. Hmm. Not yet. But I'm guessing.

So much to do! So little time! Gonna go over to Brian's after school today, see his new place, then to Brennain and Mystica's and then to Nathan's (hopefully). Or maybe the other way around. But what ever.

I should run. Look over the avoir verb before the test in French today. *joy!*


