Never trust a creature that can bleed for a week once a month and still survive.
August 17th, 2001 - 10:44 p.m.






Man, it sucked (not literally, of course). I woke up this morning when it wasn't morning anymore...I wole up at 2:30pm today.

That sucked.

I think I hallucinated my 14th foster sister, Ziggy, coming in to my room this morning. I could be wrong, though, she might have actually been there, but last I heard she was living in Calgary...

I'm not sure.

But I got up at, like, 2:30, and pulled on my lounging clothes...Giant dark brown pants that are so large I can fit perfectly comfortably in one leg with space left over...and a mini kimono style housecoat thing in a bright cherry red with a gold dragon embroidered on the back and clouds on the pockets.

And I discovered this is one of the worst periods I've ever had. Oh, sure, it's one of the most pain free periods I've ever had, but I'm bleeding like it's going out of style.

Laura thinks it's because I've been relitively sexually active lately (don't get me wrong, I'm still very much a virgin), and so my body is going "Ooo! She's gonna get pregnant! Let's produce a whole lot more lining for *both* her uteri!"...

Speaking of pregnant, one of my friends is pregnant. The father of the child has barely turned twenty. She's, like, 22 I think...They've been together two months. She's one month pregnant. I won't say names, because I don't know if I'm allowed to yet.

And she's keeping the baby. She's happy. He's bewildered, but happy.

I don't think they're ready for a child...

She is, sure, in a couple years. But he...well...I don't think he is, dispite the fact he'll make a wonderful father.


Anyway, this period *sucks*. It's hidious. I'm bleeding *everywhere*. I have to wear black pants or skirts all the time, it's that bad. I woke up this morning in a pool of blood...I had compeltely soaked through the heavy pad I put on when I went to bed...a HEAVY one. Think about this girls...How much does it take to soak through one of those?...Ya. A *lot*. I could have wrung that sucker out it was so panties were completely saturated with blood, my thighs were caked with blood, my *stomach* was smeared with blood, there was a strip of blood spots -- some as big as my fist -- about three feet wide and two feet long on my bed sheet...I havn't checked my blankets yet...I'm kind of afraid to...

Mm. I've got several emails to reply to, but I'm just not up for it right now...Sam, Wayne, Missy, I'll write ya tomorrow, alright?

I think I'll be heading to bed, soon...soon...

Gonna go garage saling tomorrow with Laura and her dad...maybe my dad, too...we'll see...I'd like to go with my dad, but I'd also like to go with Laura, but if I don't go with my dad I won't have money...but then I won't be with Laura...

Oo. My head hurts.

But anyway, that's been my day. I've been bleeding and bleeding and bleeding...

Boys, don't trust a creature who can bleed for a week once a month and still live.

Speaking of bleeding, I should clean myself up again. I'm sure I need it, but I'm afraid to open my legs in case the dam *really* breaks loose.

Actually, my webpage needs a bit of updating, and I've got some new pictures of friends, so I'll do that. And I can do it without thinking too much...

So that's what I'm going to do. Update my webpage, then go to bed. Yes, that sounds nice...

So 'til we speak again, mes amies, I bid thee adieu.

