A relief of sexual tension, and I have to go peeeee...
August 16th, 2001 - 10:01 p.m.






Mm. Can't write a helluva lot right now. Little bro and two little friends are in the room, and tend to have a bad habit of reading over my shoulder...and some things I would rather them not know, for what ever reason...

But I will say I relieved my sexual tension, made a new friend, and I smell like someone else's cologne.

And the poor guy had to get up and work in the morning. I popped by his work after his shift to say hello to the guy who worked after him and he said that the guy who was working with said guy kept bugging said guy because he looked positively *beat* and utterly exausted, but was smiling from ear to ear...

Heh. It was an entertaining past few days, anyway.

I did get to see Kristal, though, and Sarah, and Cory, which was nice. Mostly I wanted to see Kristal. And I did. And it was goodly.

Mm. I'm gonna git off really soon, I think...

I gotta go pee.

Oh, I started my period today, just for the record. It isn't as bad as it usually is, cramps wise, but it still isn't completely pain free. I got shooting pains all through my abdomen last night, and it hurt like a freakin' b*tch. That was before my period started, though. It started about 10:30 this morning...

Feel the glee. *sigh*

Anyway, I have to go pee, and that means a mad dash up two sets of stairs. I hope I make it. Wish me luck. :P

Adieu, mes amies, and good night.


