Significant historical Irish significance and iron defficiancy...
August 15th, 2001 - 12:54 p.m.






Wow. I'm amazed. People actually read this thing every now and then...Like, a few people even have me listed under their favorite diaries. ;) Kinda creepy in a way, but...I now feel all speshul and stuff.

And one of them said I have normal days...Ya. I suppose I do. If you consider everything I do 'normal'...But hey. This is a diary. It's meant for the writing of everyday things in for later reference. ;) (I mean, how are you going to burn people with arguements long gone if you've forgotten about then, hmm? ;P)

Well, anyway, helllooooo to all you wonderful people who actually read this ever now and then! Thanks for reading. It makes me feel important. :)

But anyway...Nothing really has happened yet today. I woke up, realized I left my disk in the digital camera which my dad took back today...and this is a *bad* thing, especially if someone decides to look at the pictures. Well, not so much bad as really, really embarassing...Okay, so a few of my friends could be arrested for a couple of the pictures, but not for anything serious...but still. See, we went skinny dipping last night. And I took the camera. So there's a good half a dozen shots of naked people. And I promised the girl who's picture I snapped that I wouldn't show it to anyone else...and no worries, they're not bad photos at all. She was sitting on this rock all curled up in the middle of the water and it was a really nice I took a was really hard, though, because I didn't know what I was taking a picture of until the picture appeared on the screen. So I got a load of shots of random parts of her (jaw, shoulder, hip, thigh, face...)...I did get one good one out of it, though, before the battery ran out...

God, I hope my dad thought to look for the disks in the camera before he brought it back...

Ah, what ever. What happens, happens, and if it happens, it won't be devistating at all. Just uncomfortable. (Though who ever looks at the pictures will have to note the artistic quality of them, dispite the edgy material. ;P)

So what ever. I'll live, I suppose.

Man, I've been feeling odd for the past, like, two weeks. Blacking out every time I stand up, nose bleeds, dizzy spells...Cormac...Kormak...Kormac?...What ever. Wayne. I'll just use his mundane name...Wayne thinks it's severe iron defficiancy. I'm not positive, but since I know nothing about these things, and he's the second person to say it was that, I'll agree.

I need help. See, I'm doing these favours, but I hate doing two alike...I probably should, just because people will know it was from me, but I'm embroidering my initials on the back already. That's good enough. But repetitive stuff brings no joy and is too...repetitive...So I'm constantly on the search for new and wonderful things to put on my favours. But I'm trying to have them have some significant historical Irish significance...So if you know of anything that has significant Irish historical significance, do tell. I'm completely stuck.

And with that, I run to do more sewing...Gods. I hope I unplugged the iron...


