Just another day
August 14th, 2001 - 5:30 p.m.






Havn't got much time, but I figure I might as well write *something*.

Oo, dammit. I forgot my bedding up at Nathan's again. I'll phone him tonight.

Dad got the digital camera from Selkirk College today for me to play with. I love playing with cameras. ;)

Laura's still in where ever she went. *sigh*

Uh...Watched some anime at Nathan's house last night. Ranma 1/2, I think it was called...Imagine, turning into a girl when ever cold water was poured over you...

...then went over to Mystica's. Brennain went off to do bushwhaking and spraying and stuff with Chris and a bunch of other people. So there was Mystica, some guy named Jim, some guy named Curbie, Alissa, and me over at her house. Oh, and Keredok, the baby. I spent most of my time there wiping baby drool off my hands. He's teething, so he's chewing on every available finger. *mm* It was...quite an experience. Lovely little boy, though. I do so like him...I think Mystica has it a bit easier than most mothers when it comes to child care, 'cause like everyone she lives with watched the baby and feeds the baby and puts him to bed and dresses him without being asked. So virtually all she has to deal with is the hell at night. ;)

..bleh...baby drool...

Oo. Daddy bought some smokies. We never have smokies. And he got 'em and I'm happy. *feel the joy, baby, feel the joy*...

Oh, I'm nearly done that celtic knot favour I was making. Blue and red on a cream background with tiny clear seed beeds and my initials, MM, on the back. It's nice, but there's something missing and I can't figure out what it is. Ah well. C'est la vie. I tried a few things but I couldn't figure out what it was. I was going to use blue beads in place of the clear ones but the shade didn't match the blue embroidery thread...Life is tough, ain't it? ;)

But anyway, I said I didn't have much time, and I don't really. Dad growled, y'know. Gonna go ride my bike, play with the digital camera, and finish embroidering my initials.


Til next time, mes amies.


