This dammable sex drive.
August 30, 2001 - 9:48 p.m.






You know...I've been thinking. (A dangerous passtime.) I know...Heh. Sorry. Beauty and the Beast flashback...

But as I was saying, I was thinking...This incredibly unquenchable sex-drive I've been experiencing could, possibly, not actually be a sex drive...See, I was thinking. What is it exactly about...well...I hesitate to call it 'making out', but I suppose that's what it is...It's a step below sex, but a step above making out...(Making out I rate as something that could be done with other people around, and is generally fairly tame.) Anyway, where was I...Oh yes. What I liked about this lust drive I've been experiencing...One of the things I liked the most was the waking up the next day in the arms of someone, the tired but happy conversation about nothing in particular, the whiffs I catch of the other person on my skin, the faint taste I can still taste of them...I like that, I really do. But I was thinking about this, and what it meant, and all that and I've kind of dawned on something...See, it's not actually the sexual activity I enjoy the most, it's the feeling loved it actual love or just satisfaction. I don't know. Maybe I'm going sane or something...

Maybe I need a good, solid relationship. But I can never find anyone that I really want to spend so much time with. I mean sure. There are people I'd like to go out with, but the responsibilities and guilt trips and worry and stress that comes with a relationship is *not* what I need at all. I just want something pure and simple...something like what Colleen and Taylor have. I've never heard of them stressing over each other...Okay, Taylor gets really jealous sometimes, but knows Colleen isn't about to cheat on him...

I dunno. But that's what I think. Any thoughts? Email me! Prettypretty please? Someone email me? I've had this diary for over a year and...two people in my memory have emailed me. Oh. No. Wait. One. So come on! Email me! I'll give ya cookies! Except I can't really, but I can try...

Mm. I'm gonna go play Myst now and gotta do the dishes sometime...

Bah. Bro is listening to James Brown, and don't get me wrong, James Brown rocks my world, but I'm trying to listen to Russell Watson, and Brown's music and this Italian opera do not mix well...

But I run. Myyyyst...


Until we speak again, mes amies.


