A varience of things
September 09, 2001 - 8:54 p.m.






*twitchtwitch* See what too much math does to me? *twitch* Agh...I've been doing math for three hours now, and I havn't even finished the first half. *twitchtwitchTWITCHtwitch*

Carolyn phoned me up and asked whether I wanted to do a signing performance in Creston. But I don't know. I...well...I don't really want to be in the signing choir anymore. Like, I'm tired of it. The politics that go on in it boggle the mind, and I don't particularely like some of the people in the choir...Actually, I can't stand being around one of them. And I know nearly half the people are quitting, which makes me feel kind of guilty for being another quitter, but I really don't want to do it anymore. I know it ain't great to leave off something that's going somewhere just like that, but really. I'm tired of it. It's no fun when it turns into work. That's really what it is. I don't want to show up for the practices, I hate the looks we get from people passing by...I just don't want to do it anymore. I have had my fill of unnappreciative audiences. I think the California trip was a nice bang to die on, personally.

I'm still nervous about the pantomime, and still phsyced about the opera. I'm so glad I got that duet. Like, really, really glad. Wodnerfully glad. Bouncifully joyous.

Mm. Sexually satisfied...I love that feeling. My uncontrollable lust-drive has tapered off and now I'm back to normal. Thank god.

Hm. I've got a barcode on my forehead right now that I found in my binder. It can't be very healthy for my skin, but I'm making a point. Havn't decided what yet, but I like barcodes. Sometimes I pen them on my wrist, with my homeschooling student number. 1998180013. It works. ;)

Mmmmm...I think I'm going to go to bed. Yes, that sounds like a very good idea at this point...

Good night.



