In which I love my cat
September 23, 2001 - 2:40 a.m.






I love my cat. I really do. Ditto is his name. Called Ditto because he looked just like our poor deceased cat, Orlando. I kind of miss Orlando, but it was about time he kicked the bucket. Poor thing. He had a pretty miserable existance, though.

When Ditto dies, I'm going to always get orange cats, or pure black ones. You know those type, the black ones, the big, hard ones. Not the soft, fluffy ones that look like they can be blown away in the wind. I want a big solid black cat and a soft small orange cat, like Ditto.

I mean, it's not like me and Ditto don't get along soemtimes. Sometimes he doesn't want to sleep with me. I try to get him to, but he's very persistant. And he never likes sleeping on the left side of the bed. He always sleeps on the right. He doesn't mind. He's never tried sleeping on the left, though. He walks 'round the left sometimes when he's trying to wake me up enough to get me to lift my arm and the blanket so he can crawl underneath it, but other than that he always sleeps on the right. Always. He always has, as far as I can remember. He always sleeps with me during the winter, and I don't blame him. I'm warm, the house gets really cold. Usually, during the winter, he sleeps on the big wide heating pipes in the basement during the day, then with me during the night when the heat is turned off. I should install a cat door in my bedroom door.

But you know why I love him so much? It's not just the sleeping, the furry bedfellow, it's the personality. Partially. It's the fact he hates sleeping with my teddy bear (he gets jealous), and he doesn't like sleeping with my mink blanket (probably because the straight fur slides into his fur, and it's uncomfortable), and he always knows how to navigate my room without knocking anything over (except occasionally, when he gets really adventurous, or I've just tried to clean my room), and (I know this sounds really gross) how when ever he gets trapped in my room for the day, he never craps anywhere that can't be cleaned up. I know that sounds really gross, but firstly it really wasn't his fault that he needed to go the kitty litter box, and the door was shut, and secondly, I've noticed that he'll never crap directly on to the floor, and never on anything that isn't material. And always somewhere very obvious...It's a weird sort of consideration, but really, when you think about it, it's quite considerate.

And I love the way he just sits, peacfully content, eyes closed, at rest, and waits for me to finish on the computer so we can go to bed. And I love the way he'll agree to get off my lap if he can use the pillow of my chair to sit on while he waits. And I love the way he leans in to my hand when I move forward to pet him. Not desperately like some cats, but just gently, affectionately. And the way he closes his eyes happily and leans in slightly when I slide my hand across his cheek and dig into the hair on t he back of his neck, scratch behind his ears and across the top of his head. I really love my cat.

I don't love much in this world. As you may have guessed by now, love strikes a sort of paranoia in me. Which is why I don't have a boyfriend, partially, and why I never tell my parents I love them, and never tell my friends I love them...because what if I don't? What if I'm mistaken all along?...But I'm safe with Ditto, I'm safe because he can't tell me he hates me, and he can't glare...not exactly...and he forgives for anything...and he doesn't mind if I have to break a promise...and he doesn't care that I'm crying about someth9ing, he just wants to sit in my lap and purr and purr and purr and purr...and he'll sit outside the computer room door and meow desperately, wanting in where I am...and becomes so desperate, he has found several ways to crawl /over/ the walls of the office, down the bookcases, and to me...Determined to adore me. I love that.

I can love my cat. This is safe. People are not. I think I'll probably end up being one of those crazy old ladies with lots and lots of cats...

Yes. I probably will end up that way. Not that I'm complaining. I like cats. Beautiful creatures. So lovable...

'Til next though, I bid thee adieu.


