In which it's my birthday! And so no Golden Swan, Part IV today.
October 11, 2001 - 4:35 p.m.






Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Happy biiiiirthday dear Rosie!

Happy birthday to me!

Okay, today there's no entry besides one saying it's my birthday, and so far it's been pretty damn good.

Mr. Foulger gave me a subscription to a professional theatre magazine.

I won two bucks off Mr. Simpson.

I played on the computer all lunch instead if doing my usual math.

I had happy birthday sung to me god only knows how many times.

Martine gave me some of her grapes!

Sadie gave me a mini oreo.

Chelsea gave me a quarter of her graham cracker.

They also put up a picture of me on LVTV (the school's tv station, for announcements/etc. in the morning). I was hoping it was going to be one of my in my Rochefort costume, and it was, but without my moustache, which was what I was really hoping for. That would have been even greater. But it was great, nonetheless.

And I get boiled barley for dinner!


So far, it's a good birthday.

And Sarah and Kristal phoned me and sung happy birthday.

And Kristal is tracking down Mike for me.

'Cause I havn't seen him in a while, and it would be nice to see him again. 'Specially on my birthday.

They think he's at the junction, which would suck because I wouldn't be able to steal a birthday kiss from him.

And we had an earthquake drill at school today! /That/ made everthing worthwhile.

So I've been having a good day.

Oh, and my mom drove me to school, and my dad drove me back, and I got money for my lunch. *sparkle*

Needless to say, this has been a good day.


A Very Joyful Rosie.

PS, Still stay tuned for Golden Swan, Part IV. ;)
