His hair is alllllll gone....
July 17, 2003 - 12:28 a.m.






So Mike cut his hair.


And really, really short.

Almost a buzz.

To be perfectly honest, I don't really like it. On the other hand, it'll keep his hair from falling in my face when we're makin' sweet, sweet looove.

He did give me his braid, though.

Truth be told, I think it wasn't so much about the upkeep like he claimed, but about his excercising his right to do things without my permission (not that I demand it or anything) that I won't necessarily like.

And I don't really like it.

I was hoping for something a little more...well...individualistic.

His haircut is so...so...

I don't know. I just don't like it very much.

He gave me the braid of his hair, though (holy shite he has thick hair!). He said because I liked it so much, I could keep it.

I just can't bring myself to tell him I really have a fetish for men with long hair, that's why I was so happy when he grew it out.

Men with long, neatly kept hair is one of the most attractive things that could ever be thrown my way.

That's one of the reasons I love the SCA so much. :)

Still, it's not for Mike's hair that I like him so much. It was a factor in the sexual attaction, but still not everything.

I feel like crying.


