Cast party!
December 07, 2003 - 3:28 a.m.






Good cast party.

I blew a raspberry on Grant P's stomach and he giggled like a little girl (he was very stoned at the time).

I yelled 'Gordon Cambell!' at actor Stewart for about half an hour. He in turn yelled 'Bob Dole!'. I confused him by occasionally yelling 'Old Man River!', or 'Emily the Sadistic Reindeer!'.

I had Grant T sit in my lap one.

I pickpocketed candy out of actor Mike's pocket, then gave it back to him intact ten minutes later. He giggled.

I talked to Ashley, Keiffer's girlfriend. She said that at the beginning of the year, she 'wasn't sure about me'. But now she thinks I'm really cool.

I'm glad, because I really like Ashley. I told her I act the way I do because I figure if people tolerate me when I first meet them, acting in my strange ways, then they are good people and can tolerate me no matter what.

Anyway, besides a little dancing, a little drinking, and a little avoiding people that started puking, I had a pretty good time.

Then I went home with Jesslyn, Ashley and Keiffer, and talked to Jesslyn for forever.

Damn, her family is so friggen well off.

Anyway, I'm to bed.


