The funniest small town robbery ever
March 03, 2004 - 11:06 p.m.






I just phoned home and Dad told me that some lady robbed Wing's, a little convenience store run by this Chinese family back home. It's on the main street, and is only open 'til 10pm.


Anyway, so this lady goes in to rob the place and tells the guy she has some sort of weapon.

First off, this is either during the day or the evening, but there's still gonna be lots of people around.

Secondly, it's THE main street.

Thirdly, the cop shop is a block and a half away.

Fourthly, there's a cop patroling the main street (as usual; we have a lot of transients and bored kids).

Fifthly, she's a freakin' REGULAR. The guy at the counter *knows* the lady 'cause she's always in there.

Anyway, he tries to talk her out of it. She says no, she's gonna do it, and wants the cash from the cash register.

So the guy's like, eh. What ever. And gives her some of the cash from the register.

So she takes off.

So you know what he does?

No, he doesn't phone the cops.

As soon as she leaves, he steps out onto the street and YELLS for the cops.

And they catch her. And he get's his money back.

Not to mention there's a cop car and a RCMP car that regularely patrol the main street. You know. In case someone's been over to the Tim Horton's that's in the next town over and brought them back something.

Talk about small town, eh?

Anyway, so the guy who owns Wing's ran a little note in the paper the next day thanking the people that helped him.

Talk about and amusing small town robbery, eh?

I know *I* laughed.



PS, I found these jelly things when I was out shopping today. They're Japenese. It's like jello in a tube. But firm jello. It's really fun to play with. You suck it all out and it holds it shape and then you can smack people with it like a wet towel.

PPS, I didn't smack anyone. I just ate it. It was good, despite being kinda weird (the green was grape flavoured).
