Lighting...all day...
March 22, 2004 - 7:10 p.m.






I still have a c-wrench in my pocket from doing lighting all day today.

It took us seven hours to hang about two dozen lights.

That's because you had to position the man-lift (or scaffolding), go up, hang the light, plug it in, come down, write it all down, move the man-lift and do it all over again.

And those man-lifts are *heavy*, even if they *are* on wheels.

And you have to be careful about positioning, because otherwise you'll be hanging on the wrong pipe, or the pipe will be out of reach, then after you get up there, you have to go all the way down and push the man-lift around again, then do it again.

We saved time by just lifting the supports a little, rather than taking them out, but still, the painting crew is going to be mad because we scratched up the floor pretty bad.

We had a hell of a time getting the scaffolding up onto the top platform of the set.

We almost knocked it over.

Once, apparently, Bob (one of the shop teachers) and Don (the lighting teacher) did, doing the exactly same thing we were doing.


We got to run an hour later, too, because the rehursel that was going to be in there got cancelled.

I'm not sure if I like what I've seen of the plot so far.

Some of it *rocks*. Some of it is beautiful.

Some of it...well, I'll wait 'til it's all together before I pass judgement.

Anyway, I'm going to go nap. I'm a tired one, I am.


