On home life
May 04, 2004 - 6:36 p.m.






Agh. I remember why I went to college now.

My mother is far, far too blunt to be anything but simply mean.

My little brother is so conceited it makes my teeth hurt.

And greedy. Don't forget greedy.


"Whose cake is this?"

"That's Rosie's to split with Mike, David."

"Can I have it?"

"I don't know. You'll have to talk to Rosie about it."

"Rosie, can I have your cake?"

"No, David. Mike and I are going to split it."

Side note: This was a single piece of cake. Not a huge one by any means.

"Hey, mom, can I have *some* of it?"

"What did Rosie say?"

"Rosie said no."

"Then no, David."

Later...(Mike left and I forgot about the cake.)

"Hey! Mike left! Can I have the cake?"

"It's Rosie's, David. You'll have to talk to her."

"Rosie, c'n I've your cake?"

"Well, I was *kind* of planning on eating it myself..."

"C'mon. You don't need it Rosie."

(I *hate* that.)

"Fuck off, David."

Anyway, mom ended up making us split it.

And David always takes the hugest portion at dinner. First, too, before anyone else is served, so the four of us have to split what's left. Then tries to get the absolute most of what ever is for dessert, if we even have dessert (most of the time I don't *need* it), way more than his share.

If it's one thing I try to be, it's fair, and it drives me up the wall to have someone put a wrench in my gears.

Ah, home life.

I'd forgotten.

I wish I didn't remember.


