A few thoughts on Red Deer social life
May 31, 2004 - 6:09 p.m.







I just read a scathing 'fuck off' letter from a girl named Danielle, back in Red Deer.

Not directed to me, mind, but rather to the forum that most of the circle of friends I got into post at.

Since I like her well enough, though don't know her terrible well, I dropped a quick note saying hi and sorry to hear she's pissed off and congradulations for moving out of Red Deer.

A short while later she makes a short list of people she 'loves and cherishes' on the forum, and though I'm not included (probably because I haven't known her for more than eight months), it makes me wonder.

Have I done something to piss her off?

I hope not.

That girl has been hard done by, I think, and I don't like to think I've had any cause in it.


Heheh. Thinking back to the beginning of the year, when I was just wedging myself into the social scene, I remember seeing Danielle and her then boyfriend Kurt, at the Value Village, picking up 'punk/goth stuff'.

I remember thinking they were very beautiful people (and I still do), but really serious/dangerous looking and way, way out of my social league.

I didn't want to fuck with them.

On the other hand, now that I've integrated myself more or less into their circle of friends, I've hung out with both of them (both in the coffee shop, and with Kurt outside the coffee shop), I've gotten to know their personalities a lot better.

And although they'd be dangerous people as a stranger pissing them off, honestly, I have no fear around either of them.

Occasionally Paul comes online and I say hi, and he's usually over at Kurt's place, and Kurt is usually wearing no pants and sitting on the couch.

And he always relays a hello.


Good times.

I do miss friends I made in Red Deer.


