A call back from Loren
June 23, 2004 - 6:28 p.m.







So I phoend Loren. He wasn't home; I didn't really figure he would be. He works a good hour away and commutes back and forth every day.

But I phoned, and left a message on his answering machine.

There'd been a joke that I'd probably get his number wrong and get some crazy old German lady who couldn't speak English well and yelled a lot, so when he phoned back he did just that: yell in a crazy old lady German accent.

It kind of reminded me of Mike (and made me miss him something awful).

We had a short, albeit fun conversation, and then decided to go for coffee later tonight.

"So...give me a call when you're done rehursel and I'll come pick you up and we can go wherever for coffee."

And I must say, my stomach is flip-flopping to the point where I'm going to have a hard time concentrating at rehursel tonight.

Oh, and I got a call from the Capitol Theatre today, so I went down and picked up my keys.

*My* keys! They gave me front door keys, back door keys, and office keys, and a cryptic way to get into the costume room.


I hope there're no alarms. :|

Still. Heehee. One day, just for fun, when I'm not working, I'm going to go in with a friend and just play dress-up. Because...yeah. I like being a kid. ;)


