A deep, deep blue funk....
August 20, 2004 - 12:25 a.m.






I leave one week from Friday.

And I must say, I'm getting increasingly depressed.

It's not that I don't like my program. I really enjoy my program.

But I'm leaving so much I love here.

My cat, Ditto.

My friends.

The mountains (especially Elephant Mountain).

My house, my room.

Most of my books.

My summer boyfriend (who I wish I could hang on to longer, but c'est la vie).

My routine.

I hope Ditto doesn't die before I get home. He's looking better, though. Well, acting better. He's eating better.

And Loren'll get over and beyond me quickly, I think, but that, too, is life.

It hurts, but it's life.

Oh, I'm grinding myself into a deep blue funk.

It's not like I have nothing there. I have friends, I have a routine, I have classes which I enjoy, and teachers which I respect and like.

But it's not *here*.

It's prairies, it's city life, it's so lonesome.

I'm going to miss the frantic socializing of the small town life.

I was sitting in the Lobby (this little restaurant that works out of the lobby of the old Queen's Hotel, turned art gallery), at about 1am, and I looked around and knew four of the five people who were in there already. Then another group of four walked in, and of those, two were Adan and Jorden, from the play.

*That's* what I like about the small town life.

That's what I hate about city life.

Sure, you know people when you get to where you're going, but you never run into anyone on the street, in the mall, etc.

Here, it takes you half an hour to walk a ten minute walk.

Aaah, but I'll live, I'll live...

I'm trying to convince Colleen to move away with me when I go, trying to find theatre work.

Whether she will or not is still in debate.

The jury's still out on this one.



PS, When I was younger, on weekends I used to walk around Baker Street for a while until I ran into people I knew who were up to something, and invited me along...That's what I used to do *every* weekend. And there were very few weekends I didn't end up doing something or going somewhere.
