A fucked up dream
September 21, 2004 - 8:26 p.m.






I had an odd dream last night.

I was a child, a boy, actually. I felt kind of sexless, though I usually feel like that. But I knew I was a boy. I had chin length, medium-brown hair. I don't know if I had any family. I think I did.

It was Christmas time. I remember people carolling. It was kind of fake, though, like Disney.

There were about thirty other children, mostly about 10 years old, but ranging between about 5 and 12.

Society had degenerated to stark pockets of civilization.

Maybe the carollers were first, then all things went to hell.

I was in a two story building, at least, if not three or four stories. It was mostly grey. There were large, bare halls, with braizers in some of them. They were grey, unpainted metal or concrete.

The kids were kept in the basement, where there were no lights, but light filtered in from the stairways (which topped with a skylight). Even the light was grey.

The adults were having a huge party, that was lasting for days and days and days. There were lots of drugs. Opium springs to mind.

The kids were ordered to serve food at this party, but only a few went when they were forced, because most of the kids were too scared.

Kids had no rights among the adults. They could do what ever they wanted with us. I saw some of it done, though I wasn't actually there. It was like a film.

I saw one boy walking, and then yanked down by the arm to be sexually molested.

I saw another girl, with very light blond hair, about ten years old, serving food on a tray to a man I knew as the blacksmith. He pushed her tray out of the way in a drugged induced haze and raped her. After he was done, he realized he was hungry, and the girl had brought him food, but in his haze, he grabbed the girl's arm and shoved it into the fireplace, where it cooked over one side.

I think she was unconcious.

Not realizing anything was amiss, he bit into the girl's arm.

One of the guys nearby, who was sobering up, saw and was vaguely disturbed, but couldn't quite figure out why.

So I decided we needed to get out of there, me and the rest of the children.

We only knew of one way out, but that was through the hall with the adults.

We decided to chance it.

The stairs weren't accessable, for some reason. I was at the top of a metal balcony thing, with about five other children, and I lowered a rope with a knot at the end.

One by one we hauled the kids up. Only about half, though. When I was pulling up one of the kids, by the rope, my best friend and co-hort (for some reason was named Huckleberry, though had little in common with the book character), managed to steal a raft, and the other half of the kids decided to chance the river that was flowing under the building.

Except one little boy, about three, who called up to me and said he wanted to come with me, so I dropped the rope and pulled him up. He was really light, I could pull him up by myself.

I remember seeing the raft bobbing wildly on the water, then pushing off, Huckleberry at the head.

I remember turning to look at the open doors that lead into the hall with all the adults.

Then I woke up.

It was a fucked up dream.


