Ankles and glasses
November 09, 2004 - 11:16 a.m.






I know I've said it before, but I say it again:

I don't like showing my ankles.

My ankles make me rather selfconscious, which is one reason why I wear my skirts down to the floor.

I don't know why. They're nice ankles. Small, considering the size of the rest of my leg, and nicely shaped, but I just don't like showing them. Same with my upper thigh and upper arm. Anything above the elbow on my arm. I own very few t-shirts for that reason (all of which I have are show shirts).

Go figure.


I'm glad I didn't let my mother talk me into getting the other glasses that we were considering this summer.

I knew I wanted frameless, and I told her and picked out a pair I liked (in the men's section, much to the horror of the attendant, but they fit my face nice and are wide enough), but she liked a pair of framed glasses. They weren't bad as glasses went, pretty plain (not that that's a problem; I like plain), and black or brown, I don't remember.

But I like my frameless. They're delicate as hell, but I'm careful with them.

I think if I'd let my mother talk me into a pair I didn't like so much, I wouldn't wear my glasses as much as I need because I'd feel awkward and selfconscious.

As it is, these suit me (as my mother finally admitted) and I'm comfortable in them.

I was just thinking about it, because Ian, the shop teacher, just noticed them last night and thought they looked nice.



