Metal night and Nelson
November 25, 2004 - 4:53 p.m.






Metal Night was fun.

Tyne and I had to regularely save each other from geuinely-creepy/too-talkative/annoying people all night.

It almost turned into a game.

We have a signal, me and her. We told it to Colleen and Chad, because we figured we'd never have to use it on them.

It's just a slight, natural looking movement. It works, though, except if no one who knows the signal is looking.

Some really, really drunk guy was hitting on me hardcore, and I was constantly making the signal until Tyne noticed me and rescued me.

He actually asked me if I'd show him what was under my skirt! I told him yeeeeeeah-no. How about not.

I don't usually get that kind of advances, because my skirts are so long and I usually dress pretty modestly, as modern fashion goes.

I went up to the DJ booth and requested 'House of the Rising Sun'. I know it's not metal, but it's the kind of song that goes over well on that night, anyway.

Me and Tyne waltzed to it. It was fun, though I was pretty drunk by that time and couldn't keep time very well.

It was fun though. Afterwards, the DJ said into the mic:

"Thanks girls! That was HOT!"

Tyne waved and I blew an enormously dramatic kiss.

Heehee. Little did I know that the DJ's extremely jealous ex-girlfriend was in the booth with him (why? I don't know). Later Chad told me she glaaaaaaared at me.

And you know, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, that I can still make someone jealous.


I'm tired and lonely. I wish I were back in Nelson. Maybe that's why I'm distracted and unsettled around here.

I wish I were in Nelson.


